Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A new direction!

As you can see, I've taken this blog in a new direction, since I've really changed over the past year. So I've deleted my old posts so there's no confusion over what this blog is really about!

Whats changed?
I'm with a girl for one, And totally loving it. I'd tricked myself into thinking I liked boys for so long, and that's what made relationships so bloody awkward, but this fits and I'm pretty happy. 100% content. She treats me better than any guy I've ever been with, and honestly, I always had a thing for commanding people, and well, she grabs my attention more than any guy I've ever known, despite not being 6 feet tall and loaded with muscles. She has a sort of demeanor that you couldn't ignore if you tried. Did I mention that I'm very happy with this situation?

Number two, I'm on a break from school, until I can save up enough money to go back. It was nice, but really expensive. I've changed my career goals to focus more toward art and less toward cooking, So that should be interesting.

Speaking of art, I'm seriously pursuing it now, and not just scribbling on paper. I hope to post some really great things in the future and maybe gain some more fans, or get some suggestions/critiques I've never heard before.

TTFN hope to post again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finding who you really are! That's a big and important discovery. I look forward to seeing the artwork.

